Address Correction Form
This form is for you to update or correct your mailing and/or email address for the West Carrollton High School Alumni Association mailing list.  You must click the Submit button to forward this information.  If you haven't received any mailings from the Alumni Association in the last year or so it is because of one of these reasons:

1.  We don't have your name in our data base.  We only have 3900 total.

2.  We have an incorrect mailing address and either it was returned or it wasn't returned and we don't know it is incorrect.

3.  You haven't responded in quite a while.  Because of mailing costs, alumni are not on the mailing list indefinitely.

4.  You elected not to have us send you mail. 

The form will give you a place to enter name, class, address, phone number, and email address.
You can elect to receive mailings via email which would reduce our costs or have mail physically sent.  You can also elect not to receive any mailings.  If someone is deceased, please note that also.
Last Name At Graduation
First Name
Married (or current last name)
Street Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Send mail by Post Office
Send mail by Email
Don't send mail.